Photo Sphere Viewer controller

Hierarchy (View Summary)



container: HTMLElement
dataHelper: DataHelper
loader: Loader
navbar: Navbar
notification: Notification
overlay: Overlay
panel: Panel
parent: HTMLElement
renderer: Renderer
textureLoader: TextureLoader


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends
          | "click"
          | "dblclick"
          | "fullscreen"
          | "before-animate"
          | "before-render"
          | "before-rotate"
          | "config-changed"
          | "hide-notification"
          | "hide-overlay"
          | "hide-panel"
          | "hide-tooltip"
          | "key-press"
          | "load-progress"
          | "panorama-load"
          | "panorama-loaded"
          | "panorama-error"
          | "transition-done"
          | "position-updated"
          | "roll-updated"
          | "ready"
          | "render"
          | "show-notification"
          | "show-overlay"
          | "show-panel"
          | "show-tooltip"
          | "size-updated"
          | "stop-all"
          | "zoom-updated"
          | "enter-object"
          | "leave-object"
          | "hover-object"

      the name of event

    • E extends ViewerEvents & { type: T }

      the class of the event


    • type: T
    • callback: EventListenerObject | (e: E) => void
    • Optionaloptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Request the scene to be continuously renderer (when using videos)


    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void

  • Subscribes to events on objects in the three.js scene


    • userDataKey: string

      only objects with the following userData will be observed

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends
          | "click"
          | "dblclick"
          | "fullscreen"
          | "before-animate"
          | "before-render"
          | "before-rotate"
          | "config-changed"
          | "hide-notification"
          | "hide-overlay"
          | "hide-panel"
          | "hide-tooltip"
          | "key-press"
          | "load-progress"
          | "panorama-load"
          | "panorama-loaded"
          | "panorama-error"
          | "transition-done"
          | "position-updated"
          | "roll-updated"
          | "ready"
          | "render"
          | "show-notification"
          | "show-overlay"
          | "show-panel"
          | "show-tooltip"
          | "size-updated"
          | "stop-all"
          | "zoom-updated"
          | "enter-object"
          | "leave-object"
          | "hover-object"

      the name of event

    • E extends ViewerEvents & { type: T }

      the class of the event


    • type:
          | "click"
          | "dblclick"
          | "fullscreen"
          | "before-animate"
          | "before-render"
          | "before-rotate"
          | "config-changed"
          | "hide-notification"
          | "hide-overlay"
          | "hide-panel"
          | "hide-tooltip"
          | "key-press"
          | "load-progress"
          | "panorama-load"
          | "panorama-loaded"
          | "panorama-error"
          | "transition-done"
          | "position-updated"
          | "roll-updated"
          | "ready"
          | "render"
          | "show-notification"
          | "show-overlay"
          | "show-panel"
          | "show-tooltip"
          | "size-updated"
          | "stop-all"
          | "zoom-updated"
          | "enter-object"
          | "leave-object"
          | "hover-object"
    • callback: EventListenerObject | (e: E) => void
    • Optionaloptions: boolean | EventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Update options

    Type Parameters

    • T extends
          | "description"
          | "caption"
          | "mousemove"
          | "defaultYaw"
          | "defaultPitch"
          | "moveInertia"
          | "fisheye"
          | "requestHeaders"
          | "navbar"
          | "downloadUrl"
          | "downloadName"
          | "loadingImg"
          | "loadingTxt"
          | "size"
          | "minFov"
          | "maxFov"
          | "defaultZoomLvl"
          | "sphereCorrection"
          | "moveSpeed"
          | "zoomSpeed"
          | "mousewheel"
          | "mousewheelCtrlKey"
          | "touchmoveTwoFingers"
          | "canvasBackground"
          | "defaultTransition"
          | "rendererParameters"
          | "withCredentials"
          | "lang"
          | "keyboard"
          | "keyboardActions"


    Returns void

    PSVError if the configuration is invalid

  • Loads a new panorama file Loads a new panorama file, optionally changing the camera position/zoom and activating the transition animation.
    If the "options" parameter is not defined, the camera will not move and the ongoing animation will continue.
    If another loading is already in progress it will be aborted.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    promise resolved with false if the loading was aborted by another call

  • Stops the ongoing animation The return value is a Promise because the is no guaranty the animation can be stopped synchronously.

    Returns PromiseLike<any>

  • Unsubscribes to events on objects


    • userDataKey: string

    Returns void