EquirectangularTilesPanorama: {
    basePanoData?: PanoData | PanoDataProvider;
    baseUrl?: string;
    cols: number;
    rows: number;
    tileUrl: (col: number, row: number) => string | null;
    width: number;

Configuration of a tiled panorama

Type declaration

  • OptionalbasePanoData?: PanoData | PanoDataProvider

    panoData configuration associated to low resolution panorama loaded before tiles

  • OptionalbaseUrl?: string

    low resolution panorama loaded before tiles

  • cols: number

    number of vertical tiles (must be a power of 2)

  • rows: number

    number of horizontal tiles (must be a power of 2)

  • tileUrl: (col: number, row: number) => string | null

    function to build a tile url

  • width: number

    complete panorama width (height is always width/2)