VirtualTourLink: Partial<ExtendedPosition> & {
    arrowStyle?: VirtualTourArrowStyle;
    data?: any;
    gps?: [number, number, number?];
    linkOffset?: { depth?: number; pitch?: number; yaw?: number };
    nodeId: string;
    position?: ExtendedPosition;

Definition of a link between two nodes

Type declaration

  • OptionalarrowStyle?: VirtualTourArrowStyle

    override global arrow style

  • Optionaldata?: any

    Any custom data you want to attach to the link

  • Optionalgps?: [number, number, number?]

    define the GPS position of the node (GPS mode)

  • OptionallinkOffset?: { depth?: number; pitch?: number; yaw?: number }

    offset added to the final link position in order to move the marker/arrow without affecting where the viewer is rotated before going to the next node

  • nodeId: string

    identifier of the target node

  • Optionalposition?: ExtendedPosition

    define the position of the link (manual mode)