Adapters are small pieces of code responsible to load the panorama texture(s) in the Three.js scene.
The supported adapters are:
- equirectangular: the default adapter, used to load full or partial equirectangular panoramas
- equirectangular tiles: used to load tiled equirectangular panoramas
- equirectangular video: used to load equirectangular videos
- cubemap: used to load cubemaps projections (six textures)
- cubemap tiles: used to load tiled cubemap panoramas
- cubemap video: used to load cubemap video
- dual fisheye: used to display raw files of 360 cameras like the Ricoh Theta Z1
Import an adapter
Official adapters are available in various @photo-sphere-viewer/***-adapter
Example for the Cubemap adapter:
When using Typescript you can also type-check the panorama object :
import { CubemapAdapter, CubemapPanorama } from '@photo-sphere-viewer/cubemap-adapter';
const viewer = new Viewer({
adapter: CubemapAdapter,
panorama: {
} satisfies CubemapPanorama,